About the Juried Art Show and Travelling Gallery
Since 1979, the Westman Region Juried Art Show is an annual event organized by the Arts West Council and hosted by various arts clubs and councils in the Westman Region of Manitoba.
The Juried Art Show highlights amateur* artists. Artists resident in the Westman Region of Manitoba may submit up to two works for adjudication by the jurors. Awards include: Travelling Gallery** selection, Honourable Mentions, People's Choice, Youth, Best In Show and Theme categories. Jurors select 20 works from the Juried Show to form a Travelling Gallery** which will travel through communities in the Westman Region over the following year.
The purpose of the Juried Art Show is to provide amateur* and emerging artists a venue for professional critique (artists receive an individual critique from each juror) and an opportunity to present their work to the general public.
Our mandate includes educating and fostering amateur, emerging and experienced artists on having their creative practices comply in three key areas respecting the originality and integrity of the artworks they create. These are copyrights, cultural appropriation and cultural integrity. Please refer to our Cultural Integrity webpage for further information on these issues.
The Entry Form Brochure below contains further information, guidelines and regulations for the Youth (Ages 11-19) and Adult Categories. There are 2 youth categories (ages 11-13 and 14-19) and one adult category (age 20+). Adult works must be ready to hang. Youth artworks must be mounted (affixed to a firm support such as a backmat) so that the artwork will stay upright on an easel. Framing for youth category is only required if the youth artist wishes their work to be considered for possible selection in the Travelling Gallery.
*Any amateur or emerging artist who engages in their creative pursuit as a pastime rather than making a living from it as a full-time profession is eligible to participate.
** To be eligible for selection in the Travelling Gallery works must measure no more than 26x26" and no less than 11x14" including the frame (hangable framing is required).
Download 2024-25 Travelling Gallery Itinerary (PDF)
2024-25 45th Travelling Gallery Catalogue (PDF)
In 2025, the 46th Annual Westman Juried Art Show will be hosted by the Reston Art Club at the RES Centre in Reston, MB. The Show will be installed on Friday, April 25th and a public reception held on Sunday, April 27 at 1:30 p.m. The information brochure with entry form (pdf) will be available starting in January 2025 for download from this website (see below), for picking up at your local arts council or by calling/texting 204-726-0493. Our online entry form will also available be on this website at that time (see below for link).
DELIVERY AND PICK UP OF WORKS: Works may be delivered either to MB Municipal Relations, Rm 335, 340-9th St, Brandon (Provincial Building) between April 15-23 only, OR on Friday April 25th only between 10:00 and 10:30 am at the R.E.S Centre in Reston. Works must be wrapped suitably for transport by Car. Artists are requested to make arrangements to pick up works not selected for the Travelling Gallery on Sunday April 27th between 3:30 and 4:00 pm from the RES Centre in Reston, MB if at all possible, or for pick-up in Brandon if not.
Download Westman Region 2025 Juried Art Show Brochure with Entry Form (PDF)
Online Entry Form:
Regional Map of Manitoba, Canada